Pitter Patter Art

Original artwork created by Laura Kelley, a local Nashville artist

About Laura Kelley August 13, 2007

My name is Laura Kelley and I’m an addict to creating.  I love God and want to serve Him and give Him praise in everything I do.  I acknowledge that I need grace and thank God everyday for it.  I have been married to my husband Josh for 9 years and there is no one else I would rather do life with than him.

I always tell him the hottest thing about him is his heart.

Together we are passionate about Africa and specifically the water, AIDS and orphan crisis going on in our world.  We are bound and determine to do as God has called us to do and care for our brothers and sisters.  “We have to take the risk to get deeply involved with the people we serve. We should really hurt when they hurt. We don’t work for our brothers to feel good. We work for our brothers because we can’t truly be happy if they are not, we can’t be successful without their success, and they can’t hurt with out it hurting us.”

I used to be a kindergarten teacher, but once I had my little girl Harper, I decided to stay home with her.

Our family could not have made a better decision. Our son’s Hud and Sol arrived shortly after and life was pure craziness and fun…continues to be.

We are now waiting on our 3rd little boy from Ethiopia…he cannot get here quick enough.

I love being a mom and artist.  I have always enjoyed painting and creating unique pieces of art.  Sewing soon became something I loved to do as well.  There is rarely a day that goes by that I do not create something…it’s a passion, a sickness and a true, true love.  Hope you will enjoy a glimpse into our little world.


30 Responses to “About Laura Kelley”

  1. Chris Thomas Says:

    That’s a pretty sweet looking family you got there. I love you and am very proud of you little sister.

  2. Karene Wallace Says:

    These are truly well done, they make me happy. You are blessed with family, talent and lots of Love and it shows.

  3. Jessica Says:

    Laura, We are so proud of you. I showed Tyler the site and he was so happy to see your work all together. We love you dearly.

  4. Laura Kelley-Frazier Says:

    We share the same name. I was surprised to see my own name and clicked on to see what this was about. Very nice work and congratulations on your baby girl!

  5. Ling Qin Says:

    wow~ I can’t believe how many fantastic paintings you have done!
    I love you, your baby girl and your paintings!!!

  6. Cheryl Says:

    I just have one question. Is Chris praying in his posted picture???????
    Or is he just TRYING to look like he’s praying. 🙂

  7. Laura Kelley Says:

    Hello Laura,
    This is Laura Kelley also. Good to meet you!! Enjoy the blogging, it is really fun!

  8. Jessica Says:

    Did you actually comment on your own website???? Tu es loco. Grande Loco.

  9. Ashley Frost Says:

    You are amazing. That’s all. 🙂

    love you,


  10. Hi my name is Kristi Johnson and I live in Brentwood, TN. My sister sent me your blog. We’re also adopting from Ethiopia and should be receiving our referral any day now. You are very talented!! Which agency are you guys using?? We’re using All God’s Children…and we’re getting an infant girl under 12 months. We have 4 bio kids already…you can check out my blog at http://www.weloveourlucy.blogspot.com I keep finding more and more people in our area adopting from Ethiopia…very cool!! Look forward to hearing from you so we can chat about adoption stuff, kristi

  11. Christine Says:

    Your items are very cute!! You should join us on https://my.girlshopspot.com!

  12. Christine Says:

    Your items are darling!! You should join us on https://my.girlshopspot.com!

  13. Janeen Says:

    Ok, so I’m a bit of a dork and misunderstood a post on the main page. YOU’RE adopting…not one of your friends. How awesome!!!! Congratulations!

  14. […] have a new friend! Her name is Laura and I think we found each other online through our mutual friend Maris. Don’t you just love […]

  15. […] have a new friend! Her name is Laura and I think we found each other online through our mutual friend Maris. Don’t you just love […]

  16. The sight of those two baby boys together just made my day. 🙂

  17. thevfamily Says:

    Ok, I just clicked on your blog link from another site and I was taken back saying to myself “I KNOW THAT GIRL!” So, what’s up little TTU info desk friend?!?! It looks like you have a super family going on here! CONGRATS.
    -Summer (and Thomas too!)

  18. Lindsay Lovvorn Says:

    Its amazing see how your life has turned out. It wasn’t long ago we were having sleep overs, every single weekend. You are so talented, i always knew that. You are the type of person everyone needs in their life and i am so thankful, at one point I called you my best friend for so long.Now I am so thankful we have reconnected even if its over email and facebook! I love you Laura, you are who we should all strive to be like!!!
    Love you girl!!
    Lindsay Baker Lovvorn

  19. Kari Smith Says:

    Oh. My. Word! Youar SO talented!! I love absolutely everything I see!! We are in the process of adopting from Haiti and I can’t wait to order some things from you!!

  20. lynda Says:

    i would like to order from you but can’t seem to find the order form, thanks
    i like the key fobs, t-shirts and bracelets…thanks

  21. Jen Says:

    Wow! You are so talented. I will be making some purchases here very soon!

  22. amy eudy Says:

    wow, I’m amazed at the talent God gave you… and how you’re truly glorifying Him with it. We adopted both our little boys from foster care and consider it one of the sweetest miracles. So glad i found your site. God bless you and your wonderful family!

  23. tinclover Says:

    I saw one of your creations on a friend’s post and LOVED it! Reading through your blog, all i can say is how beautiful! Adoption is heavy on mine and my family’s heart right now and I have been so encouraged reading about your family!! May the Lord provide abundantly in every way! Blessings, Amanda Olson (tinclover.wordpress.com)

  24. Monica Gerber Says:

    Hi Laura,

    My family is hosting a baby shower for me. My sister-in-law would like to know the pricing on the africa bracelets you offer with a donation. We are expecting 25 guests. We are doing a donations shower to benefit our Sons orphanage in the DRC.

    Thank you so much,
    Monica Gerber

  25. stacy Says:

    Love your heart! So glad I ran across your art on fb. I’m an artist too and share in your “sickness”.

  26. I’m convinced that you are Wonderwoman. I am 31 and I want to be just like you when I grow up.

  27. KC Says:

    I happened upon your blog via Pinterest (sign “Where You Invest Your Love…) and was hooked by your remark “having to waiting 12 more months”. I am a Christian, mother of 1 by birth and 3 internationally adopted (we could have children and God led us to adopt). I would like to encourage you that God’s plan is divine. Our siblings from Russia took 6 years / 3 trips to get home – after 3 years/2 trips the govt said to go away or the kids would be harmed. We did AND our agency pulled out of the region. God led us to adopt a little Girl from Korea whose name we found out later means 4th child. 3 years after her arrival a phone call came to us…the Governor sent a message telling us to come get the children or go away. (Unbeknown to us 30 people went to the the Gov. over the years pleading our case – people we just happened to meet when there AND a newspaper editor that came to TX we met.) So, we found an agency willing to go in (well God did all that for us) and they were home in 6 months. They were 6 n 7 then – now 20 n 21 (one in the ministry and other a teacher). God knew that if we got them when “we” wanted…we would have missed out on the biggest ray of sunshine in our family…our youngest daughter (who was 2nd home but 4th child in line, who overcame a stroke, gifted/talented, has learned 4 languages by 17, awarded Youth of Year in our area in DFW TX, leads Children’s Church and is one of those personalities that is infectious)! It didn’t feel like it then…but know from experience in the 6 years of ups/downs that time IS on your side when it is God’s time!!!! Our journey has impacted more people’s lives than an “easy” adoption. Remember he puts the Big Picture together and we are but a brush stroke in it…but that brush stroke impacts the whole painting! Can’t wait to see what He has in store for you/your family!

  28. mia Says:

    Hey i love your textiles work..
    as i am studying textiles at school. i am studying your work as my artist reaserch is there any advice you can give me on your skills? thankyou 🙂

  29. Patti Foehring Brady Says:

    I think your art work and ideas for artwork is amazing. I am a social worker who too has alos adopted. I really like how all the proceeds you recieve go toward adoptions..How can I see more of your sign art..and do you do special orders if I find a saying I would want done as colorful as your beautiful work is..
    Thank you
    Happy adopting!!!
    Patti Bradyt

  30. You are such an amazing person. Your family is wonderful. Such a amazing example to the us to be more like Jesus. Bless you

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