Pitter Patter Art

Original artwork created by Laura Kelley, a local Nashville artist

Dancing Fairies + Pancakes August 2, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — lkelley @ 8:54 pm

The Sparrow Fund giveaway is still going on.  If you want a chance to win your choice of a rockin’ necklace AND bracelet CLICK HERE or just scroll to the post below.  Giveaway ends tomorrow night at midnight and I will post the winner Thursday.

Not much going on at the Kelley house…other than lots of dancing aka ‘playing fairies’ and everyone has to wear a dress to participate…Harper’s rule, not mine.  Nothing really surprises me anymore.

And for your enjoyment…yes this has been my house…everyday this week.  Ignore the grainy video and unsteady hand…let the dancing take you over.

I’m becoming quite fond of Huddy’s high heels.

I finished Harper’s quilt top and bought my batting and backing fabric today.  Now I just have to figure out how to put all this together.

I’m not a big cooker…I’m always looking for easy recipes.  Almost every week we have ‘make your own salad” night.  Healthy, easy and everyone eats their veggies.

I decided to completely cancel out our salad night by making these tonight…

Those, my friends, are Cinnamon Roll Pancakes.

And they were A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.L.Y delicious.  Like go make these now.

And pretty sure I get the “Worst Mom Award” with these pancakes too.  Huddy is allergic to quite a few things, including eggs…like severely allergic to eggs…like he got the flu shot once as a wee one and we ended up in the hospital.  That’s how we figured out he was allergic to eggs.  Why, oh why, did I let him eat these when they have several eggs in them (doubled the recipe)….I STILL DON’T KNOW!  I was so excited about the pancakes and for some reason it just never even dawned on me.  Nothing says yummy family dinner like an allergic reaction…Josh ate the rest of his dinner with the epipen beside his plate.  But Huddy survived and everyone loved the pancakes…he just can’t have seconds or any more. Ever. Period.

I’m still working on some little projects around our house.  I’ve been collecting things for the boy’s room and got these prints in the mail today.  I am in love.  I found them on the Etsy shop Nonmon.

Each print is on  an old dictionary excerpt and look amazing.  Sol gets the frog print…he adores frogs.

Huddy loves “quirrels” and is notorious for trying to scare birds away by just yelling at them.  He’s not just all brawn.

They are going to look great in the boy’s room.  And kudos to the Nomon shop…they are located in Turkey and I got my prints in 10 days.  Pretty snappy service!  Go check them out.

Happy Tuesday.


6 Responses to “Dancing Fairies + Pancakes”

  1. Rach Says:

    Those pancakes looks delish! So sad about Huds egg allergy. I am glad to hear he is ok!
    I started using some egg substitutes in my baked recipes and such (mainly because I was in the middle of making muffins and realized I had no egg) and I wonder if they would work in these too? It’s basically ground flax seed. You take 3/4 cup cool water and stir in 1/4 cup ground flax seed in a pot on the stove, let it boil about 3 minutes (stir while it boils) til it gets thick and sticky looking. You can store this in the fridge and use 1/8 a cup of this mixture per egg you are replacing. Hope this helps! Maybe you can make them again 🙂
    I found the recipe for the egg binder here (http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/2008/11/frugal-egg-substitute.html) a couple of years ago and have used it alot and have never had anyone say a word. It works great!

  2. april fender Says:

    I love your posts.. as a grandmother of 3, I find them very entertaining… So sad for Huddy and his egg allergy… These children will have great memories… but just incase they forget a few, Im sure you have all this on record… You are a great MOMMY..

  3. grammy Says:

    As the grandmother of Huddy, Sol and Harper, I totally agree Laura is a great Mommy and they have an equally great Daddy.

  4. nommon Says:

    Hi, Thanks a lot for all !

    with love

  5. […] started my first quilt last summer.  I don’t like to have unfinished projects, so when I set to work on […]

  6. […] started my first quilt last summer.  I don’t like to have unfinished projects, so when I set to work on […]

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