Pitter Patter Art

Original artwork created by Laura Kelley, a local Nashville artist

Lack Of Title June 8, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — lkelley @ 2:40 pm

I consistently run out of titles for posts because I know my posts are a pretty random mix of craft related stuff and my kids.  I need some help.  Does anyone want to volunteer to title all my posts?  I could pay you in craftiness.

I am currently working on 2 large art pieces that are taking up a good chunk of my time, so I have only completed one order over the past few days…sad.  This sweet little yellow and green baby set was ordered by Jenna in Johnson City, Tn.  I love how it turned out and hope the new momma does too.  Thanks so much Jenna.

  The majority of my time lately has been so tied up in gift making also.  June is a heavy family celebratory month for us.  Josh’s mom and dad both have birthdays in June, my mom’s birthday is in June as well, then there is Father’s day x 3, along with our wedding anniversary.  Needless to say our gift budget is maxed out in June, so I have been making lots and lots of gifts.

While gathering supplies I have picked up several new fabrics.  These have now been added to my fabric inventory.

The heat is crazy, crazy hot.  My air isn’t the best so windows down seem to be working for us.  Good thing my kids like it.  That is until a cicada flew in the window and completely freaked Huddy to the core…it did land on his arm.  I was so mad that I didn’t get a picture of the expression on his face.

This moment is so incredibly rare…like albino polar bear rare…I am assuming that is pretty rare, but you polar bear experts out there might know otherwise.  And I did stop the car and remove the headrests to get this picture.

Do you see the drool that is happening here?

Harper and I had a little Target date night this week.  It is so rare for the kids to be alone with Josh or myself, so we have really been trying to be deliberate about taking them out by themselves.  Harper had her first personal icee experience.  She has tried a sip of mine in the past, but this one was all hers.  She was beyond excited.  Why she chose blue raspberry when there was white cherry, I will never know.  Maybe she isn’t my daughter afterall 🙂

And I did have a mom epiphany this week.  I usually run in the morning before Josh goes to work and one morning I got up at about 5:50 and went ahead and headed over to a local park to run.  We had so many things that needed to get done that day including grocery shopping.  Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind shopping with my kids in tow, but lets be honest, I am so much faster without them.  Mid run it dawned on me, “If I cut my run short I can go grocery shopping ALONE.”  It was as if God shown His light down on me in that moment and angels sang an angelic chorus.  Why had I never thought of this before…I don’t know.  I high-tailed it through my current route, straight to my car and then onto Kroger.  Funny thing about grocery shopping without my kids in Kroger at 6:30am…there is no one there, I only needed a regular ole’ normal person cart -no crazy huge kiddo cart with added kid car that has a turn radius of zero- and I was like lightning.  This running grocery shopping epiphany may have changed my life.  And I have never been happy to find Harper playing with my camera, until I walked in the door that morning.

Here’s to more mom epiphanies and a great Wednesday!


7 Responses to “Lack Of Title”

  1. Jenna Says:

    You are incredible with all that you do!

  2. Marianna Says:

    If you’re really serious about titling posts, I do that all day at my job and would be happy to help you (not that you really need the help, though)! I’m sure people come to blog ONLY to read the headlines. 😉

  3. I’m working on my first real quilt, and I got the upper right corner fabric for it! Awesome choices!

  4. Ellen Says:

    You could call this post “Epiphanies” only because I really like that word. Also, I really like grocery shopping without kids in tow . So relaxing =) I actually hire a babysitter for 2 hours a week to do just that! ha! (can you tell I”m desperate!??)
    Oh, the bird shirt is soooo cute.

  5. breagirl Says:

    Ooh, ooh, ooh…

    I will totally come up with titles if you will barter craftiness. Seriously!

  6. Nina Says:

    Just give it a date!

  7. […] thing happened this morning while running with Susan, well maybe more like walking.  I’ve blogged about albino polar bears before, and I sooo wish I could insert right here that we saw an albino polar bear, but we did run into an […]

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