Pitter Patter Art

Original artwork created by Laura Kelley, a local Nashville artist

B.U.S.Y September 29, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — lkelley @ 11:52 am

We have been crazy this week and I mean really, really crazy, busy.  But it’s good busy…the fun kind.

I have been working really hard on two large art orders and during the millions of different dry times, I managed to squeak out a few smaller orders.

These two 1/2″ pendants were ordered by Cara in Texas.  Thanks so much Cara and hope these bring back memories that can never be replaced.

This 8×10 names canvas was ordered by my sweet cousin Jan in Texas.  I really like how the blue/black color scheme turned out.  Thanks again so much Jan.

And these camera straps are headed to Miranda in Hendersonville, Tn and Kristen in Franklin, Tn.  Thanks ladies so very much and hope everyone loves theirs.

I (we…small Kelley family) have been so busy with life…and not just craftiness.  The kids have been busy with rain play…

and play dates at Starbucks (I feel the look like tiny, little hipsters)…

and fixing our table bench.  I was unaware that there were issues going on with the bench, but after a thorough investigation, this small team of bench mechanics determined that we had some major issues, but they caught them just in time.  We really dodged a bullet this time.

I have had some super fun busyness this week.  Like…my friend Susan discovering in my presence that the Peeps company apparently did not make enough money at this years Easter.

Josh and I started kickball again.  You may remember from last year that we are on a coed kickball team “Kickin’ It Old School”.  You may be thinking…”what losers”, but au contraire…really, really super fun.  And it doesn’t hurt that we’re really good as well.

I think Tanya’s honeybadger/cobra shoes are bringing us some good luck.

Last night I went to a free pre-season Predators game with Susan…seems Susan and I have been together a bit too much this week…I kid, I kid…there is never too much with Susan…oh no!

It was a great game and Susan and I totally paid very close attention to every detail of the game…maybe, except where we were eating.

We may have eaten a few yummy things at the game such as cotton candy, a large bag of peanuts, nachos and washed all that down with a ginormous coke.  I have never, ever proclaimed to be very health conscience 🙂

The Preds won 4-1 and we were super excited…

this lady…not so much.

And today, well today is the best day of our busy week.  Today is Huddy’s 3rd birthday and we started the morning off with Kelley birthday tradition.

Super fun decorated birthday door:

and cake for breakfast:

Everyone benefits from the “cake for breakfast” Kelley tradition.  It would be no fun to eat cake alone on your birthday.

And he finished up breakfast by opening his birthday present…a Buzz Lightyear Nerf gun.  BEST.MORNING.EVER. for Huddy.

I kind of like this kid.  He is just J.O.Y. and pure boy.  He’s rough and crazy and fun and hysterical and all things sweet rolled up into one.  How did I get so lucky?

Happy birthday Huddy…you are truely amazing.  We really, really love, love, triple love you.

Happy Thursday!


3 Responses to “B.U.S.Y”

  1. Amanda Hill Says:

    I absolutely love the fact that I smile every time I read your blog. Amazing! Your love and zest for life and your family are truly inspirational!

  2. I love the things you make! They inspire me! And…if today, 9/29, is Huddy’s b-day then it is the same day as my wedding anniversary!! I think it’s a wonderful day, because many blessed things have happened on this day! 😀 Huddy was born 3 yrs ago, more than one set of friends also got married today, and 21 yrs ago I married my handsome hubby!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUDDY!!

  3. Lari Says:

    Happy Birthday Huddy! We’ve lived through a Buzz phase at our house too w/ my 3 older boys…ready for my youngest to discover him…they’re so much fun at this age!

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