Pitter Patter Art

Original artwork created by Laura Kelley, a local Nashville artist

Beautiful Things March 13, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — lkelley @ 3:16 pm

Harper asked if we could take new flowers to Grammy’s grave today, so that is just what we did.  We’ve been taking fresh flowers, but my friend Courtney had mentioned a while back that Old Time Pottery had great fake flowers.  So we loaded up and headed out.  I got a kick out of Huddy taking Oscar with him.  Harper insisted that is Oscar was riding, he too needed to be buckled up.

Old Time Pottery was like the jack-pot for fake flowers.  And the kids did a really good job picking them out.  I was afraid we were going to end up with some terrible looking fake flowers, but the boys liked a grouping of multi colored flowers and Harper chose hot pink because she knows Grammy dug hot pink.

I know she’s not there, but in the words of Harper “that’s where we left her”, so I do like to visit and make sure her grave site has pretty flowers.

Today I sat looking at her family headstone and wondered if I could

A) paint it…wonder if I could get an okay from my aunts.  I’m imagining big, painted red and pink flowers all over it


B) make weather proof bunting for it.

Is that a bit strange?  I thought maybe a bit, but their headstone is just so, ummm, plain & sad looking.  Turns out all the headstones are.  I looked around a bit 🙂

This week has been full of lots of ups and downs emotionally.  A reader recently sent me a song by Gungor called Beautiful Things.  It is absolutely an addictive song.

This song has been heavy on my heart and today during nap time I finished this 11×14 canvas.

I’m pretty much banking on this…counting on it for sure…that God is making beautiful things out of us & that He is making things new…He is really making us new.

PS:  They finally closed Mom’s memorial account and I got all the information of those who donated…THANK YOU!  I am working on ‘thank you’ notes this week.  She was truly honored.


8 Responses to “Beautiful Things”

  1. Danyalle Says:

    I somehow have found you through Facebook and have come to admire you, your family, and your work. I also find myself randomly praying for you with the loss of your mother, and i don’t even know what you look like. My foster/adopted daughter danced to Beautiful things last year in Kindergarten … she was in the midst of being “made new”. …… This song is PRECIOUS to her … its a treasure. What are the odds of you making another piece of art like the one above to sell?

  2. Nancy-Page Says:

    I LOVE the art! So glad you were inspired by the song. Also, tell Harper to look for a package with her (and your) name on it this week!

  3. Becky Says:

    Wow. How beautiful. Loved the flowers. We just buried my dad 3 weeks ago. It feels like a knife removed something from my heart. But I was just listening to the song you mentioned and I know that He makes all things new. As I watch my 2 beautiful adopted daughters in their dance class… I am reminded of His great love for you and for me. I know because of you I will have a painted marker….someday! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hannah Says:

    We sang this song at church a few weeks ago and I had completely forgotten about it so thanks for the reminder. God is obviously doing beautiful things in your life and I love hearing about it 🙂
    p.s. Totally love your kids! reminds me of some beauts back home and gives me a fix of fun kids whilst being at uni 🙂

  5. jil Says:

    I have to say I don’t think it odd at all that you have the urge to make your mom’s memorial stone beautiful. I cant say that I frequent grave yards but I can say I have been to a few and have seen some beautiful bedazzled stones. I think that it represents the person that is in memory there… Your mom seems to be a beautiful soul just like you and is probably just smiling away with you pondering how to make her spot beautiful like her… all the best … Jil

  6. Chris Says:

    Just sat and listened to this song and blown away. Your art to go with it is perfect!

  7. thevfamily Says:

    I love that song. What a great vision to cling to day in and day out—that HE is making something beautiful out of us.

  8. Heather S. Says:

    Love this song, too! I have been going through a particularly tough season of doubts and fears for the past year, and it’s left my confidence in God’s goodness pretty shaken. My husband keeps reminding me of this same message – that God is doing something beautiful in me, even when the process feels so ugly and broken. Your art is also beautiful and fits the song perfectly 🙂

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